Co-Parenting Coaching
The Process
Like all of our coaching services, the process of Co-Parent Coaching begins with a 90-minute Initial Assessment & Consultation. From there, your coach will do a deep dive with you to learn more about you and your individual situation. We’ll discuss what you’ve already tried and what has and hasn’t worked in co-parenting for you. We don’t want to waste time going down a path you’ve already traveled; we want to forge a new road.
From there, we’ll help you pinpoint areas where you’re lacking and how to fill in the gaps. There is so much information out there about co-parenting that even if you’ve read a million books, you might still be feeling lost. We’re here to help you navigate all that information and build confidence in your chosen approach.
You may be new to co-parenting, but this service also benefits those who have been co-parenting without issue for some time, only to encounter new obstacles. No matter how hard we try, as parents we all lose our way sometimes. If you’re feeling lost or turned around, we can help you find the path again.
This work does require dedicated effort on your part. We can’t do anything without you, so be ready to bring that motivation and know that we’ll help you stay accountable to the plans you make. It’s human nature to self-sabotage in difficult times, but this work is all about breaking loops and patterns and helping you set out on a clear and successful journey.
Why It’s Beneficial
If you’re new to the co-parenting game, it’s very likely that everything is still very raw and painful. You may feel like your future is totally unknown. Having someone to hold your hand through this is key.
Co-parents who had found their stride but then got knocked off course by new changes (maybe a new marriage and the introduction of a step-family or a disagreement over your child’s educational path) can also benefit from that kind of hands-on help.
Every family is different, so we tailor our coaching services with that in mind. If you know you have trouble with motivation or accountability, we can strengthen you there. If you’ve tried multiple tactics and nothing is working, we can help you figure out why. We provide an unbiased third party perspective to help you move past whatever is blocking your way forward.
Who You’ll Be Working With
Nikki provides this service. Nikki has an extensive background in Marriage and Family Therapy and enjoys working closely with our clients through the many coaching services she provides.
Further Reading
Co-Parenting Tips for Divorced Parents
This is a great primer to help you understand what co-parenting is and how you can set yourself up for success right from the beginning of this new relationship.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Co-Parenting Well
In this article, you’ll learn the most common slip-ups of well-meaning co-parents as well as how to get on the same page with your co-parent despite the hurt and pain surrounding the end of your intimate relationship with them.
Co-Parenting Resource Guide
This extensive guide will help you take a deep dive into the world of co-parenting by determining what kind of post-divorce relationship you have and how to approach creating a co-parenting plan that is best for everyone involved.