Therapy Services
Family Reunification Therapy
Family Reunification therapy is a complex, therapeutic process that comes into play in high conflict divorce cases, where one parent is not seeing the child. The purpose and goals of Family Reunification therapy vary, but RT is designed to provide a safe place, under the supervision of a licensed professional, where the damaged relationship between child and noncustodial parent can begin the process of repair. To begin this therapeutic intervention, the first step is to go to mediation and work out an agreement with the custodial parent and request Family Reunification therapy in order to make contact with the child.
$200/hour + $100 Admin Fee
Therapeutic Supervised Visitation
Therapeutic supervised visitation services are designed to provide specialized interventions and support to children and their high-conflict or high-risk parents from skilled, licensed clinicians so that the parent-child relationship can safely continue and be strengthened.
$100/per co-parent for initial set-up and orientation meeting
$15/hour + $30 travel if applicable