Mediation Services
Family / Divorce Mediation
Family Mediation is also known as divorce mediation. It is the process in which a qualified mediator (registered with the Louisiana State Bar Association) helps facilitate the resolution of family disputes. The mediator is an impartial third party who helps each participant identify and prioritize the issues that need to be resolved and discuss possible solutions to help the family come to a voluntary agreement.
Service Fee: $200/hour
Parenting Plan Development
A Parenting Plan is a written document, agreed upon by both parents, outlining how the parents will care for their children after the separation and/or divorce. This plan details custody arrangements, decision-making processes, information sharing, the sharing of time with the children, residential arrangement, scheduling details, including holidays, the agreement time period and other pertinent details so that all family members know what is expected of them. This plan is then filed with the court and, once approved by the judge, becomes the legally binding guideline for each parent.
Service Fee: $200/hour